Work this one out
Signed up this week for the new Government on-line service which advises when suitable contracts are coming up. To ensure relevance, you key in some search terms. Mine were, alphabetically arranged: Brand, Communications Skills, Conferences, Internal Communications, Marketing, Video Production. My first suggested contract arrived this morning: Remediation of well, St James Park – These are works which proceed from the clearance and pump testing of a well on Duck Island in St. James’s Park, Westminster. The works are to make permanent the temporary works so far carried out, to install a steel casing and pump within the well and to provide a permanent single duty and single point of discharge to the lake. Summer’s coming, and as you can see, it’s a pretty little place. Charles I walked beside the lake between breakfast and execution. As it happens, I was thinking the other day of writing a story in which the twist is John Milton realising and confessing to Charles II that the two groans ...